Sunday 16 December 2012

Christmas Cookie Bake Day

What a great way to spend a nice Sunday afternoon  - a Christmas baking day. We gathered our recipes, ingredients, wrapping, ribbons, tags and bags and got to work. This was our inaugural Christmas baking day (a new tradition we have decided) so we may have set the sights a bit high with the amount we wanted to accomplish. But we know for next year to pick just a few things to make to allow time for the packaging up at the end of the day. It was a bit of organised chaos as we mixed, kneaded, rolled, baked and then packaged.

First up was the Shortbread, followed by the Peanut Butter and Almond Cookies

My friend Mille is Danish so next up was a recipe from her repertoire – Vaniljekranse. 

We attempted raspberry marshmallows – and they worked beautifully! This would be great to give as a little gift along with a jar of hot chocolate with a cinnamon quill or a mini bottle of Bailey's to make it a little more indulgent.

Very rich Dark Chocolate Truffles - you only need to make very small balls of these! We added a dash of Maple extract as well. We also made Coconut and Chocolate Macaron Biscuits.


We ended the day by packaging up and embellishing all of our goodies to give away as presents. We thought we needed a little celebratory drink – this Maggie Beer Sparkling Ruby Cabernet makes a great non alcoholic alternative at Christmas. Happy Baking